VolgaCTF Quals 2018 - Nonsense
The Task came with the description:
We've intercepted several consecutive signatures.
Take everything you need and find the secret key. Send it to us in hex.
As well as a Python script:
import hashlib
import gmpy2
import os
from secret import x, seed
class DSA():
def __init__(self):
self.g = 88125476599184486094790650278890368754888757655708027167453919435240304366395317529470831972495061725782138055221217302201589783769854366885231779596493602609634987052252863192229681106120745605931395095346012008056087730365567429009621913663891364224332141824100071928803984724198563312854816667719924760795
self.y = 18433140630820275907539488836516835408779542939919052226997023049612786224410259583219376467254099629677919271852380455772458762645735404211432242965871926570632297310903219184400775850110990886397212284518923292433738871549404880989194321082225561448101852260505727288411231941413212099434438610673556403084
self.p = 89884656743115795425395461605176038709311877189759878663122975144592708970495081723016152663257074178905267744494172937616748015651504839967430700901664125135185879852143653824715409554960402343311756382635207838848036159350785779959423221882215217326708017212309285537596191495074550701770862125817284985959
self.q = 1118817215266473099401489299835945027713635248219
self.x = x
def sign(self, m, k):
h = int(hashlib.md5(m).hexdigest(), 16)
r = pow(self.g, k, self.p) % self.q
s = int(((self.x * r + h) * gmpy2.invert(k, self.q)) % self.q)
return (r, s)
def verify(self, m, r, s):
if 0 < r and r < self.q and 0 < s and s < self.q:
h = int(hashlib.md5(m).hexdigest(), 16)
w = gmpy2.invert(s, self.q)
u1 = (h * w) % self.q
u2 = (r * w) % self.q
v = ((pow(self.g, u1, self.p) * pow(self.y, u2, self.p)) % self.p) % self.q
return v == r
return None
class LCG():
def __init__(self):
self.a = 3437776292996777467976657547577967657547
self.b = 828669865469592426262363475477574643634
self.m = 1118817215266473099401489299835945027713635248219
self.seed = seed
self.state = (self.a * self.seed + self.b) % self.m
def next_number(self):
self.state = (self.a * self.state + self.b) % self.m
return self.state
generator = LCG()
signature = DSA()
for _ in range(2):
message = "VolgaCTF{" + os.urandom(16).encode('hex') + "}"
k = generator.next_number()
(r, s) = signature.sign(message, k)
print (message, r, s)
print signature.verify(message, r, s)
And a file with signatures:
('VolgaCTF{nKpV/dmkBeQ0n9Mz0g9eGQ==}', 1030409245884476193717141088285092765299686864672, 830067187231135666416948244755306407163838542785)
('VolgaCTF{KtetaQ4YT8PhTL3O4vsfDg==}', 403903893160663712713225718481237860747338118174, 803753330562964683180744246754284061126230157465)
So the goal here is to recover the private key given signature pairs. The Python script creates a DSA signature of the given message using a secret private key x and a pseudo random exponent k that is created using a LCG.
Using LCGs in the sphere of IT security is almost always a very bad idea. Here it is as well.
The DSA signing step works as follows:
- Choose Random k
- Calculate
- Calculate
- The signature is (r, s)
For details of the parameters see the linked Wikipedia article.
So the signing step in DSA needs a random exponent k, if k can be guessed or calculated, you can recover the private key and break the crypto system.
Since an LCG is used to determine k, all ks in the signatures are related. In this case, if we have two signatures we can recover k by solving this system of equations (source):
The first two equation are given by the DSA algorithm. The third one shows the relation between two successive outputs of a LCG. In this task (that actually took me a while to see…) q and M are identical. Making this a an equation system with three equations and three unknowns.
We can calculate the secret by calculating:
and the “random” k with:
This Python script does the calculations for us:
from hashlib import md5
from sympy import invert as inv
q = 1118817215266473099401489299835945027713635248219
a = 3437776292996777467976657547577967657547
b = 828669865469592426262363475477574643634
r1 = 1030409245884476193717141088285092765299686864672
r2 = 403903893160663712713225718481237860747338118174
s1 = 830067187231135666416948244755306407163838542785
s2 = 803753330562964683180744246754284061126230157465
m1 = int.from_bytes(md5(b"VolgaCTF{nKpV/dmkBeQ0n9Mz0g9eGQ==}").digest(), "big")
m2 = int.from_bytes(md5(b"VolgaCTF{KtetaQ4YT8PhTL3O4vsfDg==}").digest(), "big")
term1 = (inv(r1, q) * m1 - inv(r2, q) * (m2 - s2*b))
term2 = inv((s1 * inv(r1, q) - a * s2 * inv(r2, q)), q)
k1 = (term1 * term2) % q
x = (inv(r1, q) * (s1*k1 - m1)) % q
print("VolgaCTF{" + hex(x)[2:].upper() + "}")
Giving us the flag VolgaCTF{9D529E2DA84117FE72A1770A79CEC6ECE4065212}