PyCalX was part of the MeePwnCTF Quals 2018 and consists of a webpage with 3 inputs, a value, an operator and a second value.

The code for the challenge is visible on the page when source is in the GET-arguments. There is a link for that directly on the page.

The values and operation are used inside an eval statement, which very clearly is the target of our attack.

Filtered input

Having a look around we’ll see that values and the operator are filtered in a few ways.

If a value contains only digits it’s casted as integer, if it’s a string there is a blacklist for things like brackets and quotes. Furthermore instead of the string directly a repr of it (containing single-quotes which we can’t easily break) is used.

The operator is limited to 2 characters and the first has to be one of +-/*=!.


We can freely control the second character of the operator, so let’s make it +', that way the second value will be evaluated as code and an empty string will be appended to the first value.

Using a second value like +source+FLAG < value1+source+source# (using the comment-character to ignore the last ' in the eval) gives us an evaluated command that effectively is equivilant to 'whatever'+''+'Mee'+'MeePwnCTF{...}' < 'whatever'+'Mee'+'Mee' (for source=Mee).

Python considers a string “bigger” than another if there is a difference between them and the first mismatching character is bigger (in ascii) than in the comparison.

With the example Mee would be False, but Mef is True.

That made it very easy to use a binary search, making this process really quick.

In the end we get the (annoyingly confusing) flag: MeePwnCTF{python3.66666666666666_([_((you_passed_this?]]]]]])}